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Co-operations / Partners / Associations


Creating WIN-WIN situations for customers by co-operations:

"Small is Beautiful"

"Small is Beautiful" was one of the key topics of E.F. Schumacher's bestselling book: "Study of Economics as If People Mattered", already 1974.

By our small size as company we can implement highly effective and efficient processes of decision making. "Size" and a wide area of competences we realize by using our network of excellent partner companies and partner organizations as well as associations.

Co-operation partners, Associations, Sources

Cooperation Partners Co-operation partners (companies / organizations) of SieITMCi:

Memberships SieITMCi is member in the following associations / organizations.

Information Links For gathering helpful information"s and our networking SieITMCi use often this links:

Singular inconspicuous - Together colorful visible

Last Update / Change 07.08.2011.