Our Service Offerings in Details

In this section we have collected all descriptions of our Service Offerings. The information’s you can download also as pdf files.
We will tailor the described services specifically based on your requirements and demands.
The costs mentioned in the descriptions are for your orientation.
Description of Services
- Services of our China Consulting: sieitmci_portfolio_01_con_01_china.pdf [364 KB]
- Low-Cost Software Engineering in China: sieitmci_portfolio_02_it_01_china.pdf [289 KB]
- BSC (Balanced Score Card) Introduction: sieitmci_portfolio_03_con_02_bsc_int.pdf [284 KB]
- Project Start Workshop / Projekt Experience Workshop: sieitmci_portfolio_04_it_02_pews.pdf [287 KB]
- Support People CMM Introduction: sieitmci_portfolio_05_con_03_p_cmm.pdf [285 KB]
- Fundamentals of SYSTEMIC Dthinking in Management: sieitmci_portfolio_07_sysm_d.pdf [288 KB]
- Extended Project Management Training: schulungskonzept_systemischesprojektmanagement.pdf [363 KB]
- Internet presence support (including Website Development): sieitmci_firmenprofil_internetauftrittsupport_.pdf [1.746 KB]
- Support CE-Declaration / Conformity documernts: sieitmci_portfolio_09_ce_sup_d.pdf [283 KB]
- MindMap introduction and practical training: sieitmci_portfolio_10_mindmap_d.pdf [439 KB]
(The pdf files will be provided in English soon)
Our portfolio is continuously under development and will be updated. In addition to our own portfolio we also offer the portfolio of our partners in our network. For more information’s please contact us.
Last Update / Change 07.08.2011