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Here you can find information's and reports from events / workshops and seminars, SieITMCi is participating.

The Blog of Rudolf SIEBENHOFER

Wednesday, 7. December 2011
Rudolf Siebenhofer, SieITMCi, officially appointed as "Investment Promotion Ambassador of Nanjing China"

During his last business trip to China for consulting Austrian and German companies from November 24th 2011 until December 5th 2011 in Nanjing and Shanghai, Rudolf Siebenhofer received his official “Certificate of Appointment as Investment Promotion Ambassador of Nanjing China“.

Nanjing, capital of the Province Jiangsu, 270km west of Shanghai by this enhance its network of oversea consultants who can, based on their longtime experience and knowledge of the local economic situation in the region and provided with the most actual facts and figures about Nanjing , provide effective consulting to interested companies already in their home countries.

During the business trip again- strongly supported by the Nanjing Investment Promotion Agency - a number of interesting meetings with enterprises, R&D institutions and Universities could be done.

For infrastructure projects in Nanjing currently it especially interesting, that in Nanjing the preparations for the Youth Olympic Games 2014 are ongoing.

Thursday, 25. August 2011
SieITMCi participates for a Top-Austrian-German Customer at the CRTS 2011 Railway fair in Shanghai

SieITMCI participates – as announced – for a top-customer of the Austrian-German Railway Industry the „7th China International Rail Transit Exhibition“ in Shanghai.
It was interesting to see the various technologies from local Chinese vendors as well as that from international vendors to and to discuss at vendors booth and in workshops.

Technologies from various technology segments of the railway industry, for national railways as well as for metropolitan area lines and Metro Lines could be seen. Especially in that fair the spectrum of technology is widely spread from tunnel construction technology, railway network construction, security technology up to controlling and monitoring technologies and IT-Systems. All of the systems in charge for increasing availability and safety of rail transportation – a currently highly actual topic in China.

During the fair many interesting opportunities for the further business of our customer could be created and especially many opportunities for co-operations with local and international players in that industry could be opened.

Wednesday, 22. June 2011

An interesting symposium about demographic developments in China and Austria was organized by the ÖGCF and the Austrian Institute for China- and Southeast Asia Research as well as the Association of Chinese People for Friendship with foreign countries an June 6/7th in Vienna.

Especially the presentation’s given by Univ. Doz. Dr. Andreas Weigl (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute) and given by Univ. Prof. Zhang Yi (Chinese Academy for Social Science) has shown the present trends in the demographic development of both countries. The model simulations shown by Prof. Zhang let see clearly that with the current birth rate of 1.6 (!) children per woman the population will decrease and the result will be a lack of workforce.

For China also the trend of a rapid aging population is remarkable as this will influence the labor market, salary increases and as result of this the competitive situation between Europe and China could be influenced.

Old Entries


Last Update / Change 07.08.2011.