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The Blog of Rudolf SIEBENHOFER

Wednesday, 26. January 2011
A "inspiring" Event by WKO Export Organization

AWO Forum: Power of China’s Economy.....

... summarized it was a great event by WKO.

The topics on the agenda as well as the speakers have been worth to be seen and their key statements owned attention.
After the opening of the conference by Dr. Richard SCHENZ high profile guests from China (Minister CHEN Haosu and WU Ritsu, Chairman of the finance committee of the National People’s Congress in China; perfect translated by Dr. Feng Guoqing) explained in detail the upcoming 12th Five years plan of P.R.C.

It is planned to reduce the growth of China’s GDP slightly to app. 7.x percent (another new “soft landing”?) and set the focus on the consumption in China and on environmental technologies.

Dr. Andesner, Consul for commercial Affairs in Beijing, presented some helpful economic background information and Dr. Zanger, Lawyer, talked about an interesting approach to support Chinese investors on their “way to Europe”.

A highlight was a keynote given by Prof. Gerd Kaminski about the legal and law system in China. His explanations I can agree based on my own experience in China with also some practical experiences on courts dealing with (positive solved) labor law suits.

The speech given by Dr. H. Cordt, President of the Supervisory Board of RHI, discussed the risks and challenges investors can face in China sometimes due to often changes in legal rules and regulations and he recommended investors to be prepared for a demand of flexibility.

Another highlight of the event was a keynote by Dr. Hemut SOHMEN focusing on the future between USA, EUROPE and CHINA.

The closing speech by the President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Dr. C. Leitl was motivating as ever in his speeches motivating enterprises for going forward for exports.

Thinking about the remarks of Minister CHEN Haosu, how fascinated he was during his first visit in Austria about the environmental quality and expressing his wish that this situation will be similar when he next time visits Austria brings me to THE important question for the FUTURE: What will be the role of Austria in the future economic relation to China: The conservation of the alps for tourists from China or still to be a high-tech partner for the economy in China? – Let’s talk about it….

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Last Update / Change 07.08.2011.